Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I have learned from my research that there are different types of pollution.I also learned what causes pollution ,and that people in china and India have pollution. I learned how the people felt in India and china and the problems they faced. The difficult part that I could not figure out what some words meant , so I had to look in a dictionary.If I could not find it I looked at the sentence the word was in and looked for context clues to figure it out. There was a other difficult thing for me. It was that I couldn't find a answer to one of my questions.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

People live and work togather peacefully by,

PEOPLE live and work peacefully  by, not fighting, and not being mean.Being togather,and having fun times togather. Can help people  get along.My religion made me think why should I have  the religion anyway?My other  religion I  had to think  hard why should I have to wear those kinds of clothes, not normal clothes? Religion can help people think the things they think.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The perspectivesof pollution that people think.

I have three perspectives so far. The three perspectives are that people think pollution is bad because, Pollution can kill and hurt people.The other one is the people think that littering  must stop because, they know that littering is the thing that creates pollution.Last some people think that is good because, they donot know what pollution is.I do agree on some perspectives because, people say that pollution bad that we must recycle!